[WANTON] :: Christy Davids


I can masquerade
regulations of the
mating body while
asserting fertility

I can disappear
ovulation, mask
biologic heat
though ubiquity

I can dream yields
of luscious fecundity


[wanton] combines explicit expressions of sexual desire and direct "iso" requests for material objects via the language and rhetoric of want-ads. Davids complicates the notion of wanting with pseudo-scientific 'data' that serves the purpose of explaining female sexuality in way that often limits agency. [wanton] explores the layers of desire and how we are taught to package our desires— and considers how to locate some sense of desire / agency in spite of it all.


Christy Davids is a poet and a teacher. She is an assistant editor at The Conversant, collects recordings at poetry//SOUNDS, and co-curates the Philadelphia-based reading series Charmed Instruments. Some of her work can be found in VOLT, Open House, Bedfellows, Jacket2, and the Poetry Foundation's Harriet blog, among others. Her chapbook on heat was selected by the editors in BOAAT Press' 2016 chapbook competition and was published in May 2017.

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