DoubleCross Press is a publisher of handmade books of poetry and poetics. With an eye toward artist book studio practices and spaces, and toward the materials and structures of contemporary and historic hand-bookmaking, we produce physical manifestations of our writers' language. We publish poetry chapbooks, essays on book arts and book culture, poetry journals, and other materials exploring the boundaries of poetry, poetics, and artist books.
MC Hyland founded DoubleCross Press in 2008 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, as a student in the Book Arts and Creative Writing MFA programs at the University of Alabama. Later that year, MC and the press moved to Minnesota Center for Book Arts in Minneapolis. Jeff joined DoubleCross in 2009 as a printer, assistant book maker, and cover designer. In 2012 DoubleCross moved to Brooklyn and began printing out of the Center for Book Arts in Manhattan, and Swayspace in Gowanus, Brooklyn. Anna joined in 2014, bringing her experience as a poet, librarian, and archivist.
MC Hyland :: Founding Editor & Production Team
MC Hyland has been an artist and staff member at book arts centers in Minneapolis and New York, and holds MFAs in Creative Writing and Book Arts from the University of Alabama and a PhD in English Literature from NYU. Her poetry and criticism have been published in various online and print venues, and she is the author of The Dead & the Living & the Bridge, THE END, Neveragainland and over a dozen poetry chapbooks. She lives in St. Paul, MN with Jeff.
Jeff Peterson :: Design Editor, Lead Printer, & Web Designer
Jeff Peterson is a graphic designer and print maker. He lives in St. Paul, MN with his amazing wife and fishes when he can.
Anna Gurton-Wachter :: Co-Editor & Production Team (2014-2023)
Anna Gurton-Wachter is a writer, editor and archivist. Utopia Pipe Dream Memory (Ugly Duckling Presse) is her first full-length collection and her chapbooks include Lucy (Belladonna*), Mother of All (Above/Ground Press), The Abundance Chamber Works Alone (Essay Press), Blank Blank Blues (Horse Less Press), and CYRUS (Portable Press @ Yo-Yo Labs). Other work has appeared in PELT’s Feminist Temporalities, No Dear, 6×6, Elderly and elsewhere. Anna edits and makes books with DoubleCross Press. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, a few blocks from the building in which she was born.
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