Diamonds In the Flesh :: Krystal Languell & Robert Alan Wendeborn

Palmetto bug, palmetto state. That was so gross. It was so good.
I’m in a taxi, a hearse goes by on a tow truck. You think that sounds
about right. Right up my alley. And I still want to write about the

stray dog we
didn’t pick up.

If I had a ghost fetish I’d move to New Orleans. I’d move to Arizona
if I had an asshole fetish. I want a genie so I can wish for unlimited
sex, unconditional love, and someone to watch tv with. Nothing

risked, nothing
lost, nothing hurt.

Or, as Christian Hawkey says of this chapbook: "A friendship feed that feeds on whatever diamonds daily life: shared bruises, news, pop stars, humiliations, sex. It's a joyfully messy flesh."


Diamonds in the Flesh by Krystal Languell & Robert Alan Wendeborn. Letterpress covers designed and printed by Jeff Peterson.


Krystal Languell is a person from Indiana. She is the author of the books Call the Catastrophists (BlazeVox, 2011) and Gray Market (1913 Press, 2016), and Quite Apart (Akron University Press, 2019) and the chapbooks Last Song (dancing girl press, 2014), Be a Dead Girl (Argos Books, 2014), Fashion Blast Quarter (Flying Object, 2014), Diamonds in the Flesha collaboration w/ Robert Alan Wendeborn, (Double Cross Press, 2015), and a collection of interviews, Archive Theft (Essay Press, 2015).

She founded the feminist poetry journal Bone Bouquet in 2009 and joined the Belladonna* Collaborative in 2010. She works as a freelance bookkeeper for non-profit small presses and is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities & Media Studies at Pratt Institute. Languell has received fellowships and residencies from the Poetry Project, LMCC, VCCA, and VSC. 

Robert Alan Wendeborn is a poet and brewer living in upstate New York. His poetry and reviews have been featured in PANK, Sink Review, Entropy, The Collagist, and many others. His first collection of poetry, The Blank Target, was published in 2015 by The Lettered Streets Press. 

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